About us


Arturo González Mac Dowell
Presidente de AEFI
Silvia Escámez
Vicepresidente de AEFI

CEO en Finteca

Rodrigo García de la Cruz
Vicepresidente de AEFI

CEO de Finnovating

Pilar Andrade
Vocal de AEFI

CEO de Lisa Seguros Inteligentes

Alfonso Ayuso
Vocal de AEFI

CEO de Minos Global

Felipe Cavero
Secretario de la Junta Directiva


Leyre Celdrán
General Director AEFI
Kassandra Hernández
Business Development & Communication AEFI

Our pillars

  • Transparency. Dissemination of all relevant information to members.
  • Collaboration.  Liaising between public and private organizations, companies and other entities.
  • Communication. Major player  in  the dissemination and communication of Fintech activities and news  in Spain.
  • Academic rigor. Importance of extensive and reliable research.


Foto Asamblea

The main objective of the association is to build and improve the financial and insurance environment in Spain so that it is favorable to financial, insurance and regulatory innovation, and for our country to be a pole of attraction for entrepreneurship, talent and investment.

The association establishes, promotes and maintains dialogue, communication, collaboration and representation of the ecosystem with regulators, supervisors and legislators, both Spanish and European, as well as with the different players in the industry.

Furthermore, AEFI is committed to fostering a sustainable, robust and competitive industry.

Our vocation is to promote Spain as a leader in  FinTech and InsurTech through  collaboration and innovation, building bridges between the main players in the Spanish FinTech ecosystem.


We represent Fintech companies through vertical groups led by specialized coordinators. Our research area highlights the current stage of development of projects that facilitate the revitalization of the sector and allows us to share industry best practices.

Our milestones

Since the birth of the AEFI, we have been committed to entities in the Fintech and Insurtech sector in Spain.

Do you want to be part of AEFI?

Help us boost talent in the FinTech sector in Spain.